On September 11, 2024, the workshop "Identification of sources of surface water pollution" will be held, which will present the results of work package 6. The event is part of a series of three workshops on the projects being addressed. Details are given in the attached invitation (czech version).
What is the Water Centre?
Solutions and responses to climate change need to be found in the near future. We are looking for answers to the basic question of whether we can provide enough quality water not only for human needs but also for our landscape.
Research topics
The project is divided into seven areas of work. The eighth work package is focused on project management and promotion of the project in the general public, among government officials, associated water management companies and many stakeholders who care about the future of water.

The introductory conference of the Centrum Voda project took place in a "hybrid" form
An introductory conference of the Water Center project took place on November 4, 2021 in the premises of the National Technical Library in Prague. The main goal of the event was to acquaint cooperating entities, state administration, self-government and the professional public with information about the existence of the project, its focus, management, schedule and planned outputs. The conference was held under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment.